The International Council on Systems Engineering
( held its 20th annual symposium in
Chicago this July, celebrating an organization and a
profession that are growing at a steady rate as new areas
of product and practice are exposed to the power of
systems engineering.
Since 1991, when the first symposium was held in
Chattanooga, TN, attended by just over 100
representatives from the defense/aerospace industry,
government agencies, and academia, INCOSE (then
NCOSE) has grown into a vibrantly international and
impressively diverse group. Members represent a range
of industries from defense to finance and medicine.
That diversity was highlighted at this year’s symposium,
when INCOSE’s most prestigious award, INCOSE
Pioneer, was presented to Julian Goldman, MD. The
citation read:
“For demonstrated extraordinary leadership in the
advancement of the state-of-the-art and practice
of systems engineering in the biomedical and
healthcare fields. Through his pioneering work, Dr.
Goldman has shown that breakthrough
improvements in patient safety can be achieved
by bringing together individuals and groups from
the commercial, non-profit, education, and
government sectors to focus on ‘the system of
interest.’ The most impressive legacy of his work
is in hearts and smiles of living, breathing patients,
who, without his trailblazing efforts, might not be
here today.”
The award of this honor—based on uniquely applying the
engineering of systems to outcomes enhancing society—
not to an engineer, but to a physician, is a milestone for
INCOSE. Goldman is the founding director of the
Program on Medical Device Interoperability at the Center
for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology,
and his award underscores the impact of systems
engineering in new domains of practice.
The growth of INCOSE in every dimension, mirrored in the
number of new faces and the energy within the technical
working groups, provides evidence that the field of
systems engineering is expanding to meet the challenges
of an ever more complex set of societal needs.
MIT’s System Design and Management Program (SDM)
has drawn much of its material for the systems
engineering core course from the technical community in
INCOSE, including the course text, which is the INCOSE
Systems Engineering Handbook. This year, the
partnership between SDM and INCOSE will expand
further with the planned establishment of an MIT student
chapter under the sponsorship of INCOSE’s New
England chapter. And, next fall, SDM will welcome
Goldman as keynote speaker at its annual systems
thinking conference.
This post was reprinted from the Fall issue of the SDM Pulse
industry newsletter.